Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The ZOMG this Macro Rocks thread

Cat Macros
/cast cat form

Snare Escape
/cast travel form

Kitty Charge
/cast Dire Bear Form()
/cast Feral Charge
/cast Cat Form

Bear Macros
Bear Healing - Safe for Bosses
/use Super healing Potion
/use Master Healthstone
/cast Dire Bear Form()

Caster Macros
Smart Innervate
/cast [help] Innervate
/stopmacro [nohelp]
/5 **Innervating %T**
/script SendChatMessage("You have been INNERVATED, use it well!","WHISPER",nil, UnitName("target"))

Smart Rebirth
/cast [help] Rebirth
/stopmacro [nohelp]
/5 **Battle Rezzing %T**
/script SendChatMessage("Ok, up you get slacker!!","WHISPER",nil, UnitName("target"))

Instant Regrowth - to be used with 2x T5
/cast [target=player] Regrowth

Barkskin-Tranquility - needs to be hit twice
/castsequence reset=60 Barkskin, Tranquility

Focus Macro
/clearfocus [modifier:shift]
/clearfocus [target=focus,dead]
/clearfocus [target=focus,noexists]
/focus [target=focus,noexists]
/cast [target=focus] Entangling Roots;
/stopmacro [nogroup]
/script SendChatMessage("<>","PARTY");

Screenshot Macro
/script SetCVar("UnitNamePlayer", 0); UIParent:Hide(); Screenshot(); UIParent:Show(); SetCVar("UnitNamePlayer", 1);

Flying/Non Flying Mount - picks the right mount for the zone
/use [outdoors,nomounted,flyable] Swift Red Windrider;[outdoors,nomounted] Horn of the Frostwolf Howler
/dismount [mounted]


Branch Baby said...

Love the macros! Only just started to use them recently and still trying to figure them out. This should help! :) Do you need to put the part about shifting out of form? I thorght it did it automatically since the last patch? Or maybe that doesn't apply to macros?

Anoewyn said...

Hey BB! Most of the post-2.3 macro threads I've read still pop the shapeshifting in, so I'm taking the word of the scripting gurus hahahah! But they are pretty useful - the kitty charge is great for pvp or chasing down loose adds. The kitty powershifting is good for squeezing out that little extra dps for ferals who have the furor talent (as the shapeshifting gives the +40 energy, you just need to make sure you have the mana in reserve or you won't change back). But I think my fave is the Bear-Potion macro, as it allows you to pot whilst tanking the bosses, and its so fast that all I see on my screen is the "poof" of smoke to indicate that a change took place, but essentially the graphics remain in bear. Just be sure you haven't used any abilities before you bear pot though, as any GCDs (global cooldowns)will prevent you from shifting back into bear and leave you in caster form :)